0){ $pid=$_REQUEST['productid']; addtocart($pid,1); header("location:cart.php"); exit(); } if($_REQUEST['logout']=="y"){ unset($_SESSION['name']); unset($_SESSION['contactid']); unset($_SESSION['discount']); } //find and pagenation $search = $_REQUEST['search']; $cat = $_REQUEST['cat']; $finderror = $_REQUEST['finderror']; if(!isset($search) and !isset($cat)) { $search = NULL; $cat = 'Fabric Draping Supplies'; } $skip = $_GET['skip']; if(!isset($skip)) { $skip = 0; } $max = 14; //for pagenation if(!isset($search)) { $searchstring = "cat=$cat"; }else {$searchstring = "search=$search&cat=$cat";} //perform search $findCommand =& $fm->newFindCommand('ClassSch_Web'); $findCommand->addFindCriterion('Date',">//"); //$findCommand->addFindCriterion('product_name', $search); //$findCommand->addFindCriterion( add something here); $findCommand->addSortRule('Date', 1, FILEMAKER_SORT_ASCEND); $findCommand->setRange($skip, $max); $result = $findCommand->execute(); if (FileMaker::isError($result)) { //header("Location: index.php?finderror=Sorry. No products match this search"); echo "Error: " . $result->getMessage() . "\n"; exit; } $records = $result->getRecords(); $found = $result->getFoundSetCount(); $prev = $skip - $max; $next = $skip + $max; if(($skip + $max) > $found) {$next = $skip; } //page title if(isset($finderror)) { $pagetitle = "$finderror"; } elseif(!isset($search)) { $pagetitle = $cat.' '. $found .' items '; } else {$pagetitle = 'Search results for "' . "$search".'" '. $found .' items ';} $pagenumber=($skip/$max)+1; $pagecount=number_format(($found/$max)+.49); $loginerror = $_REQUEST['loginerror']; ?> Class List

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